Building Asia Pacific Alts Investing Survey
Best Practices / General

Key Findings and Profiles: Asia Pacific Investors

The Alts Institute Alternative Investing Survey 

The Alts Institute Alternative Investing Survey probed the views of high-net-worth investors in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan with at least $2.5 million in household investable assets to more deeply understand their attitudes and behaviors related to alternative investing and the attending conversations with their financial professionals.

This survey is part of a broader, intercontinental research initiative that includes investors and advisors in the U.S. and Canada.

We have captured the key findings from the survey of high-net worth investors in Asia, which revealed that investors in Asia Pacific are more likely than their North America counterparts to have experience with alternatives and to consider moving to a new financial professional to better access high-quality alternative investing opportunities. 

Investors in Asia Pacific and North America do share a strong enthusiasm for alternative investments, and moving forward, there is a growing opportunity among alts users and non-users to increase their alternative investment allocations in their portfolios. 

Eager to learn more about alts and reliant on their own research, investors in Asia Pacific are counting on their financial professionals to be their active partner in understanding and accessing new alternative investments.

Dive deeper into the findings from Asia Pacific investors.

87% of alts users in Asia Pacific agree they are open to investing more into alternatives.

The Alts Institute

Alternative Investing Survey