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年間を通し経済成長が予想を上回り、各国の中央銀行が利下げを開始する中、2024年第4四半期はリスク資産に有利な環境が形成されました。企業のバリュエーションが上昇し、金利上昇によりインカムゲインが高水準で推移し、債券スプレッドが縮小したことを受け、グローバル株式市場やクレジット市場は2024年も引き続き堅調なリターンを記録しました。S&P 500は2024年に23%上昇、ナスダックは約29%の上昇となりました。また、レバレッジド・ローンの主要指標であるモーニングスターLSTA LL指数は9%上昇と、2023年に記録した過去最高の13%上昇に続く堅調な年となりました。

S&P 500は2年続けて20%以上上昇しましたが、これは1990年代後半以降初めてのことです。株式市場の上昇の大部分を牽引したのは今回もテクノロジーセクターで、多くの市場アナリストがこの上昇を、技術革新への投資家の熱意、特に人工知能(AI)の最前線にいる企業への期待によるものと分析しています。また、米国新政権の経済および規制政策に対する期待や、2024年第4四半期に始まった米連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)による利下げも、市場の動向に影響を与えました。しかし、第4四半期が進むにつれ、FRBが利下げのサイクルを一時停止したのではないかとの懸念が高まり、株式のリターンが下押し圧力を受けました。一方で、債券利回りは引き続き高水準を維持しており、「高金利の長期化」が進行している可能性を示唆しています。



  • プライベート・エクイティ:プライベート・エクイティ投資の潜在的なメリット、資産クラスとしての成長、そして個人投資家からの注目度上昇について考察します。
  • プライベート・クレジット:銀行が継続的に様々な形態の融資を縮小あるいは融資そのものから撤退する中、今後の成長が期待される資産担保融資(ABF)について取り上げます。この分野は、10年以上前に台頭したダイレクト・レンディング(直接投資)と同様の成長軌道をたどると当社は見ています。
  • 不動産:新たな不動産サイクルの始まりを示す指標と、これまでのサイクルとの違いについて分析します。
  • インフラストラクチャー(インフラ):経済や社会のさまざまな分野に変革をもたらすと期待されるAIの成長には、デジタル経済を支えるためのインフラ投資が不可欠です。その必要性と投資機会について考察します。


  • 50%:2024年の米国におけるプライベート・エクイティのエグジット総額は4,132億ドルに達し、前年から約50%増加しました。この数字に、エグジット活動の回復が示されています¹。
  • 12.8倍:インフラ投資家は、長期的な資産配分を増やす可能性(53.3%)が、減らす可能性(4.3%)の12.8倍高いことが示されています²。
  • 537億ドル:FRBの利下げによる金融環境の緩和に対する楽観的な見方³を背景に、当四半期の不動産取引活動は、現在の利上げサイクルが始まって以来の最高水準に急増しました。

The Private Equity Revolution 



While public equity investors enjoyed strong returns over the last two years, the concentration of those returns nonetheless suggests the need for greater equity diversification going forward. That is one reason why investors—including individual investors—are becoming more focused on incorporating private market assets to complement their public equity holdings, one of which includes private equity (PE).

The S&P 500 Has Become Increasingly Concentrated Over the Past Decade

As of December 2024, Source: Bloomberg.

As the name suggests, Private Equity generally involves equity investments in companies that are not publicly traded. It is the leading private market asset class, accounting for over 67% of the $15.1 trillion global private asset market,4 a testament to its ability to tap into the world’s growth engine—private companies. Institutional investors have long relied on private equity as a cornerstone of their portfolios, leveraging its capacity to deliver robust returns and foster long-term growth. However, in recent years PE has become more accessible to individual investors, with new opportunities and vehicles in which to invest. Although average individual investor allocations to PE are still less than 2%, we believe that we are on the brink of a paradigm shift, with individual investors increasingly embracing private equity, thanks to a deeper understanding of the potential benefits and improved access.

A Broader Opportunity Set 

PE offers access to a broader investment universe. Globally, more than 85% of companies with revenues exceeding $100 million remain privately owned. Therefore, investors deploying capital into both private and public equity markets are utilizing a larger investment universe, resulting in greater diversification and potential for improved investment outcomes.

Over 86% of Firms Globally With Revenues Greater Than $100 Million Are Private

Source: S&P Capital IQ, 2024

At the same time, fewer companies are now going public because the trade-offs have been tilted toward staying private. Companies planning to go public face regulatory burdens and compliance costs, while firms in the knowledge-based economy may hesitate to reveal proprietary information. Meanwhile, companies now can access deeper capital markets, with the size of private credit doubling and private equity tripling since 2003.

Put simply, more and more companies have decreased dependency on public money. This helps explain why the number of public companies has dropped this century, while PE-backed companies have steadily grown. Consequently, with more capital competing for a dwindling number of stocks in the public markets, there’s a growing need to diversify into private equity and explore opportunities beyond the increasingly concentrated public equities.

: PE-Backed Companies Have Surged While Public Companies Have Fallen

As of June 30, 2024. PE-backed companies versus domestic firms publicly listed on NYSE and Nasdaq, 2000 – June 2024. Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against loss. Source: Pitchbook 2024.

Potential Benefits of Private Equity 

PE has the potential to strengthen portfolios with better risk-adjusted returns and higher absolute returns compared to public equities as well as other alternative investments, along with enhanced portfolio diversification. Indeed, PE has historically provided investors with strong performance relative to public equities, whether looking at performance for the past three, five or 10 years. 

The reasons behind this historical outperformance are many and are not limited to: 

  • Active involvement. Private equity General Partners (GPs) play a hands-on role in driving value creation within portfolio companies through financial and operational improvements. In contrast, public investment fund managers typically adopt a more passive approach, with minimal involvement in the day-to-day operations of the companies in which they invest.
  • Long-term focus. Private firms prioritize long-term value creation and are better positioned to make future-oriented investment decisions. Conversely, public firms often face pressure to meet short-term earnings expectations, which can lead to suboptimal valuation and decision-making strategies driven by immediate performance concerns.
  • Market inefficiencies. Relative to public markets, private equity markets are more complex, less transparent, and have fewer investors to arbitrage away market inefficiencies, potentially creating conditions for additional returns.
 Private Equity Has Outpaced Public Equity for Over a Decade

Past performance is not indicative of future results. For illustrative purposes only. Information does not represent returns of a fund. An investor cannot invest in an index. Private Equity represented by the Preqin Private Equity Index, Global Equity by the MSCI World Index. Please see disclosures for additional information. Source: Morningstar, Preqin, Brookfield. The indexes are unmanaged and cannot be purchased directly by investors. As of September 30, 2024.

The Bottom Line

To be clear, we believe that investors should consider PE alongside public equity, and not as a replacement for public stocks. While some investors may focus on improving their portfolio’s return potential, others prioritize private equity’s ability to diversify traditional equity and bond holdings. Either way, investing in PE alongside public stocks aims to offer an effective way to enhance equity returns in a portfolio. And individual investors now increasingly have the ability to access this critical asset class and achieve its benefits.

Asset-Backed Finance: The Next Frontier of Private Credit 



Asset-backed finance (ABF) is a form of private credit that is backed by self-amortizing pools of contractual assets (for example, loans, leases and mortgages), in contrast to traditional corporate private credit in which repayment relies on the individual company’s fundamentals and ability to refinance. Financing the breadth of the global economy–everything from transportation to consumer finance–through these structures has been a cornerstone of bank and insurance business. 

We believe ABF will become an increasingly important private asset class in the coming years as banks pare back their activity in the area, giving rise to a significant opportunity for alternative lenders. We think it’s the early moments of a new chapter in the evolving private credit story, with private lenders estimated to currently provide less than 5% of asset-backed financing within the $5.5 trillion universe. Much of the private capital growth in the last decade has tilted towards direct lending.5

 Asset-Backed Finance Is a Large Universe, With Limited Private Credit Penetration

Source: Oliver Wyman, Private Credit’s Next Act, April 2024. The $5.5 trillion figure represents the U.S. asset-backed finance market, excluding real estate. There is no assurance that such events or projections will occur, and actual outcomes may be significantly different than those shown here.

Poised for Growth 

We believe ABF is on the verge of significant growth for alternative lenders as a result of banks continuing to reduce their footprint in response to various headwinds in a wide range of lending activities. Fiscal tightening, questions around the reliability of deposits and the value of assets on their balance sheet and compounding regulatory pressures have resulted in a general conservatism and risk repositioning by banks. The continued decline of banks willing to participate as the primary providers of asset-backed financing is creating an opening for private ABF lenders to fill the void.

Bank Provision of Credit Has Declined as a % of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Source: Federal Reserve, World Bank Group, as of December 31, 2023.

At the same time, demand for non-bank lending is increasing and there is a tremendous amount of opportunity, given the ABF funding gap. Mutual funds and hedge funds prefer assets with greater liquidity, insurers favor instruments with term funding and are often limited to investments that may be “rated,” and private equity typically pursues investments with higher risk/return profiles. This underscores the significant opportunity ABF presents for private lenders, particularly experienced ones who can navigate the complexity of ABF borrowers’ financing needs, to earn a “complexity premium” (over available spreads for traditional corporate lending or comparable asset-backed securities) in this currently underserved area. 

ABF has several features that distinguish it from corporate direct lending and may represent attractive investment features. Direct lending depends on a single company’s EBITDA6 to support repayment, while ABF relies on a pool—of both income and principal from often multiple borrower cash flows, typically on a diversified portfolio of credit receivable “assets.” As a result ABF is less reliant on a single borrower’s performance and may represent a more broadly diversified portfolio given the breadth of asset sectors served. ABF investments typically also include various structural protections, with assets housed in bankruptcy remote special purpose vehicles. Unlike the sometimes “covenant light” corporate direct lending market, ABF is currently a “covenant heavy” market, with creditor rights helping to further mitigate risk. 

These features of ABF support a broad range of potential benefits, including strong income and attractive risk-adjusted returns.

The Bottom Line 

We believe that ABF should be viewed as a complement to direct lending in a portfolio’s private credit allocation. Diversifying across private credit strategies, by combining both direct lending and ABF strategies, may be crucial for optimal portfolio construction and can help strengthen portfolios by offering compelling income streams, attractive risk-adjusted returns, and important diversification benefits. Still, while ABF is emerging as a significant, long-term opportunity, it is not a homogenous, easily accessible asset class. We believe that working with an experienced manager is essential to navigate the complexity of the asset class. Those managers who can cast a wide net for attractive opportunities and keep risk control at the forefront without sacrificing on achieving strong returns stand to capitalize on what we believe is the next frontier of private credit.

A Start of a New Cycle in Real Estate 



Historically, real estate and economic cycles have been highly correlated. However, unlike prior cycles, the end of the last real estate cycle was not accompanied by an economic recession. A relatively strong economy is continuing to drive improvements in real estate fundamentals, such as consistent tenant demand and rent growth, fueled in part by the recent alleviation provided by lower interest rates. 

As a result, we are at the start of a new real estate cycle. We believe solid economic growth will further drive positive fundamentals in real estate in 2025, as lower interest rates should continue to support economic growth. Indeed, transaction volumes have already increased from 2024 and are estimated to move higher in 2025, driven by renewed investor interest as markets stabilize (Figure 7). Estimated transaction volumes for 2025 exceed $400 billion, which is well above the pre-Covid annual average from 2009-2019. Meanwhile, the relatively low consumer loan delinquency rate is evidence that enough capital is available to keep markets stable, although the refinancing of commercial real estate remains a work in progress.

U.S. Commercial Real Estate Investment Volume ($ in Billions)

Source: MSCI Real Assets, CBRE Research, Q3 2024.

Opportunities in the Current Cycle 

Demand for various property types has changed since the pandemic, due to shifting consumer preferences. As a result, opportunities in this cycle for real estate investors are different than those available prior to 2020. Some assets are less competitive in the marketplace now, including non-prime office space and less-functional industrial properties. 

Still, valuations are at or near a bottom on a wide swath of sectors, which could present excellent investment opportunities, in our view. In the multifamily sector, recent reductions in the level of new supply and still elevated mortgage rates could potentially drive healthy demand and better fundamentals.

Meanwhile, shifts in supply chains and a relatively healthy consumer could continue to support the industrial sector. New logistics development under construction has slowed significantly. In addition, the impact of new trade policy may change the flow or price of goods entering and leaving the country. We believe this could create a wide range of investment opportunities, as new supply market centers emerge as the result of onshoring needs.

The Bottom Line

The macro environment for the emerging real estate cycle remains encouraging. Capitalization rates, or “cap rates”, which are used as an estimate for the rate of return on a real estate investment, could shift lower over time. They are likely to stabilize at higher levels than in the last cycle, largely due to interest rates remaining higher than the historic lows of the previous cycle. 

It is important to emphasize that during a real estate cycle’s early phase, market and individual asset selection are critical for investors. The skill of a manager during this nascent part of the cycle can have a major impact on returns. Macro factors influence cap rates directionally, but the strength of the individual asset is critical to the success of the investment. That is why engaging with a strong manager, who is skilled in assessing the relative strength of each market while conducting effective due diligence around each asset, is key to a successful real estate investment strategy.

AI Infrastructure: New Opportunity, but Old Principles Apply 


The Opportunity

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is primed to be one of the most impactful technological revolutions in modern history, with the potential to transform significant parts of the global economy. As the use of AI and related technologies increases across different industries, the build-out of digital infrastructure such as fiber networks, wireless infrastructure and data centers to process, transmit and store data is becoming increasingly important. 

While the demand for digital infrastructure may be fairly obvious, the bottleneck for AI adoption is going to be the access to power. An internet search query using an AI service requires substantially more power than a typical Google search. With 5.3 billion global internet users and the expected widespread adoption of AI, there is going to be a significant increase in power demand. This is in addition to electricity needed for industries, heating for houses, and other uses. Combining all these requirements together, the total global installed capacity for electricity is expected to more than double over the next 20 years, while some of the existing power generation facilities are expected to be retired due to their carbon-intensive nature.7 

Once power is generated, data centers also need to be connected to the grid to deliver the power through transmission assets. Utilities and owners of power generation assets are positioned to benefit from the increase in electricity demands. We also believe midstream infrastructure will be a prime beneficiary, helping provide data centers with cost-efficient, consistent and reliable natural gas as a power source. 

In summary, artificial intelligence has initiated a domino effect on several of the sectors in infrastructure, broadening the opportunity set for the asset class and while helping to create opportunities for investors.

Digitalization Has Broad Implications Across Our Business

For illustrative purposes only.

Sticking to the Ground Rules 

It is important to place the AI infrastructure boom in a historical context. Other technologies that are now well-established required additional infrastructure resources when launched, such as mobile phones, fiber optics, and cloud technology. For the most part, AI is and will be no different. 

Continuous improvements in technology behind AI servers and software is positive, as they lead to new and more complex AI use cases, such as robotics. Moreover, the prospect of more cost-effective AI applications is likely to increase adoption rates for AI, making the technology more widely accessible. Overall, technological disruption naturally bodes well in the long term for digital infrastructure demand, consequently creating significant growth opportunities to power this demand across sectors, such as renewable power, energy transition, utilities and midstream. 

Certainly, investors should be excited about what’s ahead. However, it is equally important to note that the traditional ground rules around investing in infrastructure still apply. While AI is still new, it is important to revisit the essential principles when it comes to investing in infrastructure and target investments that: 

  • Constitute “the backbone of the economy,” including the digital backbone—in other words, assets that are essential to society and economic activity;
  • Have predictable cash flows with creditworthy counterparties; and
  • Have limited to no technological risk. 

Particularly, technological risk is a key risk to avoid for infrastructure investors, as technological advancements are not often linear and technology can become obsolete quickly. In contrast, infrastructure assets are long-life assets.

Bottom Line

Infrastructure presents a way to invest in the AI tailwind with less volatility than investors may be subjected to when investing in technology companies. Still, when investing in AI infrastructure, consider looking for well-established investment managers who are benefitting from the AI tailwind as a natural extension of their existing business, and who have the scale and depth in each of the sub-sectors that is relevant for digitalization.

Read More in our Q1 2025 Alts Quarterly.


1.    ピッチブック、2025年1月時点。
2.    プレキン、2023年12月時点。




















FTSE EPRA Nareit ディベロップト不動産インデックスは、運用されていない時価総額加重トータルリターン·インデックスであり、先進国の上場エクイティ·リートおよび上場不動産企業で構成されています。


ICE BofA 米国ハイ·イールド·インデックスは、米国国内市場で公募発行された米ドル建て投資適格未満社債のパフォーマンスを追跡しています。

ICE BofA メリルリンチ·グローバル·ハイ·イールド·ヨーロピアン·イシュアーズ·ノンフィナンシャル3%コンストレインド Exロシア·インデックスは、金融発行体またはロシアをリスク国とする証券を除く、より広範なインデックスに含まれるすべての証券を含むサブインデックスで、発行体のエクスポージャーは3%に制限されています。インデックスは米ドルヘッジ、月次でリバランスされています。

MSCI ワールド·インデックスは、先進国の株式市場のパフォーマンスを測定するように設計された、浮動株調整後時価総額加重インデックスです。

S&P 500指数は、幅広く保有されている米国の大企業500社の時価総額加重平均株価指数です。

モーニングスター LSTA 米国レバレッジド・ローン 100 インデックスは、米国レバレッジド・ローン市場のパフォーマンスを測定するために設計された時価総額加重型のインデックスです。
